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Home > UFO Organizations

(F.I.R.S.T) The Fund for Interactive Res

    This organization collects and investigates physical evidence of the alien abduction experience.   Rated 3.2

Adamski Foundation

    Adamski Foundation - Exobiology / UFOs: Addresses the indications of advanced civilizations on other planets.
      Rated 3.2


    BUFORA is a nationwide network of around four hundred people who have a dedicated, non-cultist interest in understanding the UFO mystery. Within that membership are many active investigators and researchers working with the direct claims of witnesses to collate the data necessary to bring that understanding nearer. A loose federation of UK regional UFO groups called the British UFO Association was formed in 1962. In 1964 many of these groups decided to amalgamate all their activities under the BUFOA banner and the organisation was renamed the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA).
      Rated 3.2

Excite Search Results for "ufo

LaGrange, Georgia UFO

Our J

    The Organization of UFO Research Japan is a nonprofit organization of researching and studying UFO phenomenon to propagate that something we should know about is out there.
      Rated 3.2


    If you are tired of saying that you want the truth, and you're ready to go after it, this is the group for you!! We are currently in the development of making a difference, unlike most groups we are actually going after the truth. If you want to help please join, we will make a difference! Please share your sightings, abduction, and anything else with us. We can help you. Many of our members are abductees, and know where you are coming from.
      Rated 3.2

The Praetorian Guard

    About ALL the issues of UFO's, abductions, and the government conspiracy. There is historical, archaeological, and even personal evidence from the webmaster's tour at the U.S. Army White Sands Missile Range (less than 100 miles from Roswell) in the early 1980's. There's even a search engine for the hundreds of pages of evidence assembled, specifically configured to the Inviticus.Com domain. You can do your own research - and reach your own conclusions, based upon 100% FACTS.
      Rated 3.2

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