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    Stefan Duncan, Associated Press Award Winner Reporter, editor of AUFON   Rated 3.2

CNI News Home Page

    CNI News is a twice-monthly electronic journal reporting the latest news and analysis of worldwide UFO activity, claims of human-alien contact, the scientific search for life in space, and related subjects.
      Rated 3.2

ExoScience - News - Sc

Fate Magazine: UFO & Alien reports

    Fate Magazine is dedicated to reporting UFO,alien abductions, and other supernatural or paranormal events.
      Rated 3.2


    FLYING SAUCER REVIEW, an international journal established in 1955,is a quarterly magazine printed by quality litho on fine art paper, and with overseas governments and air force libraries as long-term subscribers and read by Prince Philip since the 1950s, FSR is recognised as the leading international organ in the world on the subject. It is produced in England with the collaboration of a team of more than seventy experts and specialists from Britain and twenty other countries, including Western Europe, and the USA, Canada, Latin America, Russia, Ukraine, Slovenia,China, Japan and the Middle East. They include numerous PhDs, doctors of medicine, astronomers, physicists and other scientific experts.
      Rated 3.2



UFO News Today - UFOSEEK. Black Triangle

UFOINFO: The Home of UFO

    UFOINFO has regular news from UFO Roundup, Filer's Files, AUFORN, UFO + PSI Magazine, and the United Kingdom UFO Network Bulletin - the bulletins are archived on the site for research purposes. There is also information on UFO Organizations, UFO Magazines, UFO Newsletters, UFO Conferences, UFO Lectures, UFO Books, UFO Booksellers, UFO Museums, Space and Astronomy News and much more.
      Rated 3.2


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