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1Please Enter your Name :

First name
Last name


2When did you see the UFO :

18/07/14 -- dd/mm/yy


3Where did you see the UFO :

Tetbury, gloucestershire


4What was the time of the Contact :

22:40 -- hh:mm:ss


5How old were you :



Sighting Details

1 What did the UFO look like, shape/size in relation to terrestrial objects/lights/colour :
A ball of bright orange light.


2Did the UFO do any strange things like hover and then zoom off quickly :

It moved reasonably slowly from right to left of my vision then veered away from me and appeared to gain altitude but the orange light was visible at all times until it vanished out of sight.


3How long did you see the UFO for :

4 minute -hh:mm:ss


Any additional comments :

There was absolutely no sound whatsoever although it appeared to be no more than a mile away and at a height of 2-3000 feet.


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