Please Enter your Name :
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When did you see the UFO
Where did you see the UFO
What was the time of
the Contact :
How old were you :
Sighting Details
What did the UFO look like, shape/size in relation to
terrestrial objects/lights/colour : |
Was far in distance a light moving. Was bright white and orange at times. Round |
Did the UFO do any
strange things like hover and then zoom off quickly :
It moved around. Mostly in zig zag motions. It disapeared and apeared a few times. The last we saw af it it moved away lwaving like a cloud around it and then it disapeared end after that the cloud went away. |
How long did you see the
UFO for :
Any additional comments :
Hello myself and three friends are camping out. And we suddenly saw a light in the sky making zig-zag movements. I've recorded the light with my camera. The light disappeared and appeared several times. I felt I need to report the sighting. We had load shedding 2 days ago. And yesterday the whole town had a power failure of which the area they said the power supply has problems is in the same area where we saw the light. The last we saw of it, seemed to move away leaving a small cloud of light and then it disappeared. I'm willing to send you the video capture. Just need to download it from my camera to my computer. Please reply and let me know if this is for real. We are freaked out. But don't know what to believe. The date is 09/03/2014 and time is 02:55. My name is Theo and this is my email. [email protected]
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