Please Enter your Name :
First name |
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When did you see the UFO
Where did you see the UFO
What was the time of
the Contact :
How old were you :
Sighting Details
What did the UFO look like, shape/size in relation to
terrestrial objects/lights/colour : |
we (my 6 year old and i) saw about 6 orange/reddish see through balls with what looked like white birds flying inside each one, flapping their wings. |
Did the UFO do any
strange things like hover and then zoom off quickly :
at first they where a pyramid with 3 on the bottom 2above then one then it slowly switched formation flying parallel to the earth going i guess east then they disappeared. |
How long did you see the
UFO for :
Any additional comments :
i dont know what to do now. i am sure what i saw is what i saw and now its like i want to know if any one else has ever seen the same thing i saw?
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