Please Enter your Name :
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When did you see the UFO
Where did you see the UFO
What was the time of
the Contact :
How old were you :
Sighting Details
What did the UFO look like, shape/size in relation to
terrestrial objects/lights/colour : |
Well I have created a image using Photoshop to give a better insight as to what this object looked like if you would like to see?. But the craft was round when I was looking at the underneath part of it and it was glowing intensly and I could not see any physical part to it. The glow of light looked to be spinning around so fast that it did not look to be spinning at all if you understand what I mean, it was like a pulsating look. There was a black spot at the very centre of it but I could not see anything coming from there, it was just pitch black. I saw this thing right up close, infact it was that low down that it may aswell of landed. It did descend further and when it did I could see the side and top of it and those parts of the craft were a bright intense white with bits of orange light flickering up from underneath it and there were two little red lights flashing back and forth from within the white glow but again I could not see any physical part to the craft the whole time I was looking at it. |
Did the UFO do any
strange things like hover and then zoom off quickly :
The craft was there for a good minute at least, long enough for me to look at. The craft was moving and gliding very smoothly and calmly but the actual glow itself was acting very eracticly. The glow from the craft did not light up it's surroundings and the glow did not blind me when I was staring at it and the craft was completly silent the whole time. It descended downwards and move a little bit away from my house then slowly glided past my house, reached the edge of my garden then made a sharp left hand turn, glided across the valley, up and over the hillside opposite my side of the valley and then it disappeared into the clouds above that hillside opposite |
How long did you see the
UFO for :
Any additional comments :