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1Please Enter your Name :

First name
Last name


2When did you see the UFO :

03/03/12 -- dd/mm/yy


3Where did you see the UFO :

Wakefield,United Kingdom


4What was the time of the Contact :

21:50:-- -- hh:mm:ss


5How old were you :



Sighting Details

1 What did the UFO look like, shape/size in relation to terrestrial objects/lights/colour :
I saw a burning tail at the end of the object, i was not able to see anything at the front of the object. It was a fairly low travelling object above my house and travelling in a slow, continuous motion in the same altitude for around approx. 1 minute. It was a tapered tale kind of shape in an orange colour/glow. It was around 2-3 metres long.


2Did the UFO do any strange things like hover and then zoom off quickly :

As I had gone out to secure my car, this object caught my eye. It travelled at the same level in the sky and as mentioned previously, it was 2-3 metres long with an orange glow. As it passed through the sky at a constant, fairly low speed I watched the object go by and as it was a quite, well lit night with the mooon shining I saw the object travel by in the moons lit path - and the object petted out and then just went out, however, something still travelled on through the distance. It was a dark object which carried on, but I cannot be sure what shape/or size it was after the glow had disappeared.


3How long did you see the UFO for :

00:01:00 -hh:mm:ss


Any additional comments :

Please could you provide me with some information on this situation as I am sceptical into what this could of been.


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