What did the UFO look like, shape/size in relation to
terrestrial objects/lights/colour :
Unsure. It had a horizontal band of different coloured lights, similar to but no the same as regular aircraft lights. Approximately the width of a 3 bedroom house relative to the houses it was flying directly above.
Did the UFO do any
strange things like hover and then zoom off quickly :
It was silently drifting over roof tops, but moving up and down a few metres at a time in a very quick and jerky manner. A motion we felt was impossible for regular aircraft to do at the time.
How long did you see the
UFO for :
40 mins
Any additional comments :
We followed it from a distance of about 100 metres across the lodmoor country park, it nearly collided with several houses, just missing them. We chased it on foot towards the seafront where it seemingly vanished for about two minutes. After that time we spotted it approx a half mile out in the bay, at which time it continued in the same fashion back towards the beach. It was at this time that we all heard (and soon after saw) at least nine helicoptors flying towards the object very loudly. The object continued silently to the shore (still flying in a vertically jerky fashion) where it descended behind the weymouth pavilion and into the water behind (entrance to the harbour). It went under the water, and the lights from the object appeared to diffuse up and out of the water (was very beautiful to be honest). The helicoptors began circling the area with spot lights shining into the water, at which point we decided to get the hell out of there. It was a very quiet evening, already dark, and we were seemingly the only people on the seafront that evening. Despite this, others must have seen this object. I was with three very good friends, who all witnessed and chased this object with me.