What did the UFO look like, shape/size in relation to
terrestrial objects/lights/colour :
It was Blacker than black, and there were three lights under nearth it, and it was in the shape of a triangle.
Did the UFO do any
strange things like hover and then zoom off quickly :
It followed along side of my car as i was driving, and then when i was stopped at the light, it was hovering.... and it hovered for about 6 mintues, and then it just vansihed.. I didn't see it go side to side or up. it was just gone.
How long did you see the
UFO for :
Any additional comments :
It seemed to have more than one level too it. and it was so close i could see it all. perfet triangle, and it made no sound. it was just hovering about the trees that were only about 35 feet hight. and then it was just gone...