What did the UFO look like, shape/size in relation to
terrestrial objects/lights/colour :
long rectangular with rounded edges and corners, dark colored smooth metallic.
Did the UFO do any
strange things like hover and then zoom off quickly :
difficult to describe but it appeared to have an area of Darkness or black light around it.
How long did you see the
UFO for :
Any additional comments :
I am a little reluctant to speak of these encounters, for obvious reasons people will think i am some sort of nut job or just a plain idiot. I am a licensed radio amateur, as such i often fill the car up with radio equipment and head off up the mountain and set up a portable radio station. We do it in order to experiment and just to have some fun. Over the past month or so i became aware of this structure was always nearby, i thought it was something belonging to the local authority or the farming community, it was only recently i noticed that this object was always nearby to me even when i changed my location now and then. Last night i decided to investigate by walking up to it and was amazed to see that in fact it was not resting on the ground but just above it, there was a very quiet back ground humming noise, a bit like a noise from a transformer power supply. Not sure of what to do now, but i am a little nervous to go up there again, as it may be back. :( i am not going to tell any one about this who lives here unless something else happens, if so may phone local air base at RAF St Athen and see what suggestions they have.