What did the UFO look like, shape/size in relation to
terrestrial objects/lights/colour :
red glowing light such as maritime distress flare same intensity the light wasnt falling it remaind at a constant height i could see black powder like substta falling from below . the entire red glow was surrounded by a white thin border and had a lensing effect .
Did the UFO do any
strange things like hover and then zoom off quickly :
after the initial red glowing ball of light went out there was a black sphere no visible means of support or propulsion . it rotated about a horizontal axis , as if aligning to a bearing . and flew off it was out of my sight in a count of four one thousand . it was small no biger than 20 meters in diameter about 1 00 meters away and about 20 0r 30 meters up . in a clear blue sky .
How long did you see the
UFO for :
2/3 mins
Any additional comments :
from what i could see after the red glow went out ( some kind of high energy transferr?) the black stuff stopped drissiling from the bottom there remaind a black half sphere the bototm being round and the top flat like a platform it struck me as the black stuff drisseling from it could have been its thermal sheilding i dont know but it makes sense given what i saw . as the thing rotated about its axis i could see a dome and a triangle on the platform and the structure it self seemed like it was geodesic then it just flew off north and was out of sight in about 4 seconds . it was a clear blue sky . broad daylight . the whole thing left me feeling chilled as itnessed something sinnister . i dont think it was our technology .