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Report a Sighting or Abduction












Lis t of sightingsList of abductions

1Please Enter your Name :

First name
Last name


2When did you see the UFO :

21/08/88 -- dd/mm/yy


3Where did you see the UFO :

A4167 Brecon Beacons


4What was the time of the Contact :

16:20:00 -- hh:mm:ss


5How old where you :



Sighting Details

1 What did the UFO look like, shape/size in relation to terrestrial objects/lights/colour :
UFO was triangular/dart type in shape approx size of a small car (mini) it was black in colour with no obvious windows its thickness I estimate at about 8 inches no sign of any propulsion units, and emitting no engine noise in fact it was totally silent, no hum nothing, I even turned car engine off to listen. this was from my view a genuine ufo sighting on a road with no other vehicles, on a summers day late afternoon, blue sky


2Did the UFO do any strange things like hover and then zoom off quickly :

as I was driving towards brecon I saw in the distance what I thought to be a helicopter tracking back and forth from the field to the road as I got closer this craft started to take shape I eventually came to a halt under the ufo which was hovering above me at a height of maybe 30ft no noise it was a nice summers day sky clear blue after looking at it for some minutes it eventually shot off and from a standing start it disappeared over horizon in about half a second still no noise


3How long did you see the UFO for :

00/02/00 -hh:mm:ss


Any additional comments :

I am an educated, professional person with a degree in astronomy, and have never suffered from hallucinations, having spent some years in military I am able to recognise aircraft, this was something beyond anything I've ever seen, this craft allowed me to view it for some minutes it wasn't till I went to grab camera from car that it took off too quickly for me to photograph


©Copyright 1998 Adam Finzel