Please Enter your Name :
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When did you see the UFO
Where did you see the UFO
What was the time of
the Contact :
How old where you :
Abduction Details
If you saw an alien what
did it look like :
The extraterrestrial that I encountered was relating in looks a lote to the Greys. I am not a UFO buff but It was about five feet tall and had humongous eyes. They were pitch black and seemed to sink into its head. It had small holes for ears, no nose, and a small slit for a mouth that never changed position. It seemed straight out of a horror movie. |
What did the inside of
the UFO look like :
I never entered the space craft. My encounter was on Earth. THe spaceshipo was resembling a glowing ball with small protrusions coming out of the bottom. From what I hear, i might have entered the spaceship but all i remember is seeing the ship and the aliens on ground and then I became paralyzed. The alien came to me and just seemed to analize me. It then left after about five minutes so it seemed. The paralysis continued for about 10 to 15 minutes. It was so much like a dream. |
Did any thing unusual
happen prior to or after the sighting :
After the contact i started having dreams about these aliens and there planet. the planet is always the same in every dream, except with these aliens , there are also beings that resemble humans. In fact most of the time i am pretty sure they are huamans.
Have you experienced any weird things after the abduction
i.e. Strange marks on your body, etc. If so then please state them : |
Once in a while i have the feeling that the aliens are watching me all the time. And whenever i go to the spot where i saw them, i have flashbacks that are so realistic i think that the encounter happens again. |
If you had any time
lapse how much time did you loose
Any additional comments :
this is the first time i have ever said anything at all. As you can see i am only seventeen so i think most people wouldnt believe me. but please, it is true, all of it. I would love to have someone to talk to about this. Also, i hear how people say that the encounters affect there life for a bad way. this is not the case here i feel enlightened on the universe and life itself since the meeting.