Please Enter your Name :
First name |
Last name |
E-mail |
When did you see the UFO
Where did you see the UFO
What was the time of
the Contact :
How old where you :
Abduction Details
If you saw an alien what
did it look like :
It was a tall being a metalic grey hue.It had no ear or mouth but was otherwise humanoid in appearance.It had tiny eyes that seemed to penetrate my psychi and left feeling exploited. |
What did the inside of
the UFO look like :
It was a dull and uninspiring environment with no decoration.On the left of the capsule there was a control panel with shiny knobs on which flashed a silver grey as I approached them.There were no windows or door seals that I could see.There was a constant vibrating and hum in the air.In the centre of the capsule was a large rotating silver cube which seemed to defy gravity.The box changed colours to red, then strange symbols that were undecypherable to my eyes. |
Did any thing unusual
happen prior to or after the sighting :
I left my girlfriends house in Darwin and drove to Accrington a few miles away.walking back along Duckworth Street I first a moan and then I saw a blaze of light which blinded me for a few seconds.When my vision returned I was inside a capsule that looked like the inside of a egg.
Have you experienced any weird things after the abduction
i.e. Strange marks on your body, etc. If so then please state them : |
Severe acne, severe tooth pains and scratchy elbows and a rather strong body odour which I have seen the Doctor about |
If you had any time
lapse how much time did you loose
Any additional comments :
this may seem unbeliaable but it is the truth.This experience really.I want bond and talk with other people who may have shared similar experiences.