Please Enter your Name :
First name |
Last name |
E-mail |
When did you see the UFO
Where did you see the UFO
Red Rock, Wigan, Lancashire |
What was the time of
the Contact :
How old where you :
Abduction Details
If you saw an alien what
did it look like :
I saw several, "typical" greys and at least one human who seemed to have a certain amount of control over the greys. |
What did the inside of
the UFO look like :
Difficult to describe. There was a lot going on and I was in a "dazed" condition. I do remember though that there were a lot of other people on the craft, aliens and humans. It seemed to be messy and untidy. The "room" I was in, was massive.
I spoke to at least one other abductee whilst I was on the "ship"
I also had a sort of conversation with the "human" controller. I can't be sure, but I would consider that we "spoke" to each other telepathically.
Bill |
Did any thing unusual
happen prior to or after the sighting :
Prior to the sighting, I was driving along a country road and everything was normal. I then "ran into" a bank of fog and heard a high pitched whistle. I then reappeared out of the fog with my left ear bleeding and the left side of my face burning. I felt sick and made my way home.
It was only days later that I became aware tht something incredible had happened to me.
Have you experienced any weird things after the abduction
i.e. Strange marks on your body, etc. If so then please state them : |
Most definitaly! Health problems, improvement in IQ levels. Increased psychic ability,further visitations.
Such a lot has happened perhaps it would be better if I sent you the "full story" by direct e-mail. Please let me know. |
If you had any time
lapse how much time did you loose
30 minutes, exact.
-hh:mm:ss |
Any additional comments :