Please Enter your Name :
First name |
Last name |
E-mail |
When did you see the UFO
Where did you see the UFO
What was the time of
the Contact :
How old where you :
Abduction Details
If you saw an alien what
did it look like :
Really short but had a big head and really big huge eyes and long pointy fingers he was really scary but yet did not harm me just wanted to understand and discover |
What did the inside of
the UFO look like :
It was not that big like a disk |
Did any thing unusual
happen prior to or after the sighting :
I was asleep in my bed when I woke up I was out side when I was taken
Have you experienced any weird things after the abduction
i.e. Strange marks on your body, etc. If so then please state them : |
My stomach is getting bigger I think I may Be pregnant, NO JOKE!!!!! |
If you had any time
lapse how much time did you loose
Any additional comments :
I Really need some one to talk to about this I Live at 1556 Stueben Street Utiva , New York please come help me with this problem. What if I am pregnant by one of them what will my kid look like. I need help. I need answers