Please Enter your Name :
First name |
Last name |
E-mail |
When did you see the UFO
Where did you see the UFO
What was the time of
the Contact :
How old where you :
Abduction Details
If you saw an alien what
did it look like :
Small light colored skin long fingers and large head with large black eyes |
What did the inside of
the UFO look like :
very tech oriented nothing i have seen before minimal design to high complexity |
Did any thing unusual
happen prior to or after the sighting :
A UFO craft was spotted by me and a friend coming back from San Fransisco on the 5 late at night the craft landed on the road opposite and waited till my car was even with it then from what I knew then it took off as some as we were even on the road, truth is that's where they dropped us off after our trip with them
Have you experienced any weird things after the abduction
i.e. Strange marks on your body, etc. If so then please state them : |
Uncomfortable time lapse. Ghosty memories of a long voyage knowledge in details of other worldly tech. but very little concious memory, vague altered states memories. |
If you had any time
lapse how much time did you loose
Any additional comments :