Please Enter your Name :
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When did you see the UFO
Where did you see the UFO
Landed in next door neighbors |
What was the time of
the Contact :
How old where you :
Abduction Details
If you saw an alien what
did it look like :
2 different species, 1 could almost pass for human, had round black eyes, wore environment suit with helmet, breathing apparatus,
radio antennar on right side of helmet, and a locating device on equipment worn on his chest held on with red straps. Saw 1 of them.
Other species-large hairless heads, completely black eyes, no white to them, but looking at them closely I could see a pupil. It had been communicated to me that they evolved this way as if they had natural sunglasses because where they come from they have 2 suns. Small ears and small mouth, most of those wore dark blue overall uniforms, what I percieved to be the commander had a light gold or peach suit on. |
What did the inside of
the UFO look like :
Curved hallways, not straight walkways, that were dimly lit with back lighting, a room that resembled a doctors office,a small "waiting room" with a small mold injected chair with only curved surfaces and a room that I believe to be the control roomThat had a lot of electronic equipment and what appearead to be a type of osciloscope. |
Did any thing unusual
happen prior to or after the sighting :
I was playing with my little plastic army men in the kitchen and heard the back door slam. Assuming that one of my family members would walk into the kitchen I didn't turn to look to see who it was until I heard no one walk in. All of a sudden I felt as though I was being watched, so I turned and saw what I thought was a "machine man", for a lck of better words. That is when I saw the first alien
Have you experienced any weird things after the abduction
i.e. Strange marks on your body, etc. If so then please state them : |
If you had any time
lapse how much time did you loose
Any additional comments :
I was taken from the kitchen. I was put in a sleep like state and fell over while standing. I was caught by several aliens. I could see from my right eye as I looked to the floor and could see see 2 or 3 pairs of silver boots the aliens wore
They carried my outside, across the driveway, where I noticed the shadow of the neighbors house on our house, then taken to the back yard where the craft landed. A pole of some sort came from the dome of the craft and made contact with the electric lines to the neighbor's house. My thought was they were borrowing electricity. Three landing gear appeared. The craft landed. I noticed that the 3 landing gear formed a pefect triangle and that 2 of the gear made a perfect straight line with the west wall of the neighbors house. My thinking at this time was I didn't think I was dreaming all this and that I could go back and see the marks in the ground where the landing gear was. I was taken on board, examined, brought to a waiting roomand watched by 1 alien until the other person was examined. I think it was my oldest sister.Then we were brought to the control room where a report of some kind was elecrtonically trasmitted by the commander. I was brought back to the house. I "came to" standing facing the kitchen wall 2 inches from my face.
Not realizing what I was doing there I ran to the clock and noticed time had passed. I recalled all that happened. Was it a dream or real? I ran to the neighbors west wall and saw the tell tale marks in the ground. It had happened! My mom came home from the store. I told here about the little machine man that came in the house. She said it was all my imagination I told her no. Then she hit me! So I lied, yeah my imagination. Next day my dad and next door neighbor were outside talking. I told them what happened and showed them the landing gear marks. The neighbor had no idea what caused it. I told them my story. Many years later I found that the neighbor was an Air Force pilot and while flying a B-52, was surounded by 4 disk shaped objects and escorted for 20 minutes.