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1Please Enter your Name :

First name
Last name


2When did you see the UFO :

09-9-11 -- dd/mm/yy


3Where did you see the UFO :

Silent Hill


4What was the time of the Contact :

4:20 -- hh:mm:ss


5How old where you :



Abduction Details


1If you saw an alien what did it look like :

I forgot, but I know at one time I knew what the look like. But the weird thing is they said they were OUR future, and they spoke but after speaking their lips would still move as if I were watching one of those Cheap foreign movies.


2What did the inside of the UFO look like :

I was in some type of liquid and the further down I looked I noticed it went on FOREVER.


3Did any thing unusual happen prior to or after the sighting :

Like something that seems to happen to everyone(which is kind o weird) I would once in a while hear a long beeping noise in my ear but not be irritated by it at all. It was as if they were either taking a picture, scannig or deleting my memory, or anyhting that would be in some kind of sci-fi story . Anytime I come up with some kind of cool theory or anything that questioned them or us, was when I would 'forget' things. Also sometimes I seem to do things I wouldn't usually do, as if I am being "posessed" or "controlled"


4 Have you experienced any weird things after the abduction i.e. Strange marks on your body, etc. If so then please state them :
Mostly same as above. It could just be me being parranoid but it seems like EVERYDAY no matter where I go I either feel I am being watched or notice I am being watched. Sometimes when I enter a room no matter how many people they are all silent and then notice that I am in the room and suddenly start to speak as if I was the cameraman or director of a movie and I said "action". Lately I've noticed how everything seems to be "orchestrated" it could be becuase of some repetative sentence I remember hearing while abducted....but it reminds me so much of The Truman Show and The Matrix.


5If you had any time lapse  how much time did you loose

-10 years lost -hh:mm:ss


Any additional comments :

This town was Abandoned the minute I entered it, quite foggy, and I would often see things that weren't really there like the kind of zombie creatures you would see from a game. The beings told me of MANY MANY STRANGE and CONFUSING but full of sense FACTS. Most of the htings they said I should probably not say just for posting this who knows what may happen to me....but I can only say this Something is going to happen, something bigger than this upcoming war....and not only humans will be involved in this worldwar3 which is going to be a never ending war with more than one species invloved.



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