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1Please Enter your Name :

First name
Last name


2When did you see the UFO :

//02 -- dd/mm/yy


3Where did you see the UFO :

Las, Vegas NV


4What was the time of the Contact :

21:30:00 -- hh:mm:ss


5How old where you :



Abduction Details


1If you saw an alien what did it look like :

around 5'6'' and wear a hooded cloak over it's face but without it is skinny and not solid as if it was comprised of all energy it has lines conecting it and is almost see through, they vary in blue, gold, and a silvery color.


2What did the inside of the UFO look like :

looks all of metal and is very shiny it had many gadgets.


3Did any thing unusual happen prior to or after the sighting :

Yes, very odd things have happened to us and out of a list of 58 aductions kit things only 3 did not connect with us.


4 Have you experienced any weird things after the abduction i.e. Strange marks on your body, etc. If so then please state them :
we wake up with cuts and bruises every morning on our arms hands and legs and somtimes the stomach


5If you had any time lapse  how much time did you loose



Any additional comments :

if any one else hasa experienced this please contact us in any way, as we fear for the safety of humanity.



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