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1Please Enter your Name :

First name
Last name


2When did you see the UFO :

mid 2001 -- dd/mm/yy


3Where did you see the UFO :

orlando ( not a ufo)


4What was the time of the Contact :

11/2 a.m -- hh:mm:ss


5How old where you :



Abduction Details


1If you saw an alien what did it look like :

it looked like a human but the arms were skinny the head looked more oval than round


2What did the inside of the UFO look like :

i remember seeing inside for only a moment but there weren't any walls except for what i guess was the cockpit( it's like a big living room)and the exterior hull.


3Did any thing unusual happen prior to or after the sighting :

i was going to be around ten o'clock , around 11:15 i looked at the clock and about 5 minutes after that i heard someting downstairs i went into the living room which is facing a feild and a big bright blue light seemed to be shining downward so i opened the sliding glass door and looked up the next thing i remember is i'm inside a big area with walls surrounding me about 20 feet on everyside. i saw to beings that looked somewhat difformed and taller than i was ...and i'm 6"5. i only recolect that for a moment but after that i remember laying in the front of my house on the porch when i stood up and whent in it was a little after 2:00 in the morning.


4 Have you experienced any weird things after the abduction i.e. Strange marks on your body, etc. If so then please state them :
nothing but dreams of what i guess occured that night


5If you had any time lapse  how much time did you loose

2/15-45/min -hh:mm:ss


Any additional comments :



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